We help organisations thrive in an uncertain Future
Future Narrative supports organisations looking to future-proof their propositions by helping them understand what their clients will want tomorrow and further into the future.
We separate hype from meaningful change, to encourage sensible innovation.
By harnessing weak signals and cultural insights, we co-create the strategies organisations need to undertake for ethical and profitable long-term growth.
Understand what's
Consider what's
Illuminate the way
Create a new
A multi-disciplinary Research studio
We look at all of the different forces driving change at a human level, from society, technology, economy and sustainability through to culture and creativity.
We use strategic foresight, scenario planning, back casting, customer and cultural insight, market research, trend forecasting, behavioural science, brand strategy and data science to help organisations confidently move forward and stay ahead of the market.
Future-Fit organisations
By uncovering emerging opportunities and risks, we help organisations leverage their competitive advantage, with insights that inspire new products, propositions and strategies.
Our workshops will inspire your team and develop their creative thinking. This collaborative process will integrate bespoke research with your company’s expertise to co-develop new products.
Consumer strategy
Help your team get on the same page on who their customer is and how to serve them with rich personas that put your team in the customer’s shoes.
We work with start-ups to advise on product/market fit and how to ensure disruptive ideas resonate with the broadest number of people.
Articulate your future story to your wider community through bespoke white papers and other forms of thought leadership.